Thursday, March 1, 2007

Bird House

A few days ago I was sitting on the couch reading Butterflies by Thomas C. Emmel. It is very interesting and the photographs are amazing. My brother came up to me with a book that showed how to make a birdhouse. Well this started a long trail of internet, encyclopedia, and nature book searches. To find out if robins would live in birdhouses, how big of a hole you needed for woodpeckers, that we really didn't want a woodpecker because of the noise since as Dear Brother said "It would give Mom a headache.", and what we could use to make our birdhouse. We used a milk gallon using an exacto-knife to cut drainage holes, the opening, and the ventilation and patio paint for the outside. We found the idea for a bird feeder and we thought we could use it for a bird house. If the birds don't like it for a house we will cut the holes bigger and use it as a bird feeder.
Artwork from Dear Brother, Dear Sister, and Amelia:


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