Saturday, November 3, 2007


I'm going to post and hope you haven't noticed my complete neglect of this blog. So here I go trying to blend in to the desktop.

I adore fall! With the leaves and beautiful cozy clothes. I almost always think of Tasha Tudor's way of life too. This might be because when I read her book she influenced me and the way I think about "old-fashioned" living. Thanksgiving is charming and serves as a slight calm before the Christmas season that has become so fast paced in America. Our house is adorned like the garden outside with pretend leaves swagged in the archway between living room and dining room. I desperately want to paint. It's been far to long since I admired God's creation thoroughly. One of the things about art is that it forces you to pay attention and really see the world around you. My dear art teacher, Mrs. White, always instilled in us the need to SEE the world outside our house, in the garage, or just the little flower growing up through the sidewalk.

Till tomorrow...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

You writing makes me sigh. It is so beautiful.

Happy Fall!